Technological artist, philosopher and neurohacker

Transdisciplinary creator and philosopher whose main work identifies and explores humanity’s neurological potentials and vulnerabilities - unraveling relations between different elements of reality and the development of both individual and collective minds, with the intention to trace a route that will allow us to reach a permanent state of hyperhumanism.

His approach correlates patterns and concepts derived from human behavior in social, environmental and technological aspects in order to create systems that improve our understanding of our influence in others and our surroundings, and how the world influences us back to create a distinct meta reality for every one of us, thus becoming conscious at many levels.

His doing consists mostly of induced neurological experiences, organic data transduction, artificial cognition systems, electromagnetic exploration and algorithmic expressions based on topics that range from neuropolitics and perception to interplanetary thinking and human enhancement – all of which find their place in neuroware, devices, applications, essays, stories, music/sound art, audiovisual performances, digital environments, images, net art, workshops and lectures.




Caosmosis (Collective performance) @ FONOTECA Nacional
SilentZen+220+Rossana Lara (Collective performance) @ altafidelidad.mx
Caosmosis (Collective performance) @ Vancouver Public Library

Caosmosis (Collective performance) @ Coaxial Festival

STATO UMANO (Performance) @ Soonografx | Facultad de Artes y Diseño, UNAM
Algorithmic narratives (Workshop) | CUNA

Techno Hyperhumanism (Workshop) @ EVA London | Ravensbourne University
Techno Hyperhumanism (Lecture) @ EVA London | Ravensbourne University
Extractivismo de saberes y tecnología (Panel) @ Simposio Tierras Raras | Museo Carrillo Gil
"2 minutes warm reset" (Expo) | Museum of consciousness @ Burning Man
K'in (Performance) | Etznab stage @ Burning Man
Interacción humana con el dominio digital | The Hominis
"Luz" (Lecture) | Futurologi
Freedom of speech, facebook and politics (Panel) | Entre humanos podcast
Hyperhumanism (Interview) | Entre humanos podcast
Henkinen Kemia (Album release) | Discos deleite @ Bandcamp

Hitech magic / consciencia (Panel) @ Congreso de Futuros | ITESM, Toluca
Neurobeat y psicoacústica (Lecture) @ Fon-on 9° Encuentro Internacional de arte sonoro y exploración audiovisual | Facultad de Música, UNAM

El meta.humano y su meta.realidad (Lecture) @ Centro Nacional de las Artes
meta.humano (Expo) | Muestra PAPIAM 2016 @ Centro Nacional de las Artes
Neurocolonialismo (Lecture) | ANEMONAL/TTT @ Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM
Neurocolonialismo (Lecture) | Simposio internacional de Arte y Neurociencias @ Laboratorio Arte Alameda
El futuro del arte (Lecture) | futurologi

Beyond reality (Lecture) | futurologi @ Trendo
Neurociencias y psicoacústica (Lecture) | Meditatio Sonus @ Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM
Metarealidad digital (Lecture) | Coloquio de filosofía de la tecnología @ Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM
Reality Leakage (Expo) | Afecto material @ Hub FabLab, Mérida
Realidad y neurohacking (Lecture) | ANEMONAL @ Hub FabLab, Mérida
Organic Data (Lecture) | ANEMONAL/ISMAR @ Fiesta Americana, Mérida

deCON (Album release) | Soundcloud
Hipermente (Performance) | Encuentros Sonoros @ Cracovia 32
220+66whiteForests (Performance) | Festival INFINITO @ Huerto Roma Verde
Corazón (Performance) | Acto Errante @ Lyrica
Hipermente (Performance) | ADDEI @ Lyrica
Tellus Haephestus (Performance) | ViSo @ Lyrica
Hipermente (Performance) @ Ovnibus Roma

Hipermente (Performance) | Meditatio Sonus @ Fundación Alumnos 47
Espacios oscuros (Arcangelo Constantini+220) (Performance) | Festival KOSMICA @ Laboratorio Arte Alameda

Available activities


Reality leakage


Henkinen Kemia
Planos ontológicos
De la armonía al ruido
Tellus Haephestus


Neuropolitics and collective perception
Neurobeat and psicoacoustics
Neurocolonialism and metareality
Meta.human and it's meta.reality
Roads to hyperhumanism
Neuroscience and psychoacoustics
Organic data


Algorithmic narrative
Binaural neurohacking
Project development
Coding 101
Arduino 101


Neurobeat technique site

A site about an auditory illusion that's ideal for musicians, as it makes the audience listen to a beat that doesn't actually exist. It exploits the brain capabilities to fill up gaps

Central de Realidades Alternativas

A philosophy site with essays about technology and it's effects on society, neurocolonialism, hyperhumanism, meta.reality, cognition, politics and more

Creation by degradation

A simple and brief explanation on how to use degradation as a creative technique, as applied in EgoInteritus and others

Map to Hyperhumanism

An ever evolving map to defining a road to achieve a new collective state of mind that would leave humanity behind


Copyright (C) 2015-2025, Eduardo Castañeda | All rights reserved except where explicitly noted | images by Luis Molina, Valeria Valenzuela, Luis Castañeda and Eduardo Castañeda